Hacky Sack

Hacky Sack

Have you heard of hacky sack? Hacky sack, also called foot bag, is a very popular sport in Canada and many other countries. Basically, a hacky sack is a bag with plastic beads or sand inside that is small enough to fit in your hand. The goal is to keep the bag in the air without using your hands. So, you can bounce the hacky sack on your knees, feet or head much like in soccer. I started playing hacky sack in high school and came to really enjoy the sport. A good player can do many tricks and keep the hacky sack in the air for a long time. Below you will find some videos of hacky sack players. What do you think of the sport? What is your favorite sport?




Winter Festivals in Akita!

Do you like festivals? In Canada we don’t have many festivals. So, when I first came to Akita I was really surprised to find out that there are so many festivals. My favorite festivals are in the winter. Every winter I enjoy going to different festivals and taking pictures and videos.  In fact, I just finished making a video on my favorite festivals in Akita, so please take a look:

I want to see every festival in Akita, but there are so many! I will have to live in Akita for many years if I want to see them all. I would  like to see festivals in not only Akita but  other parts of Japan too. By the way, did you know that Akita has one of the most dangerous festivals in the world? The Takeuchi festival in Rokugo is considered very dangerous and I actually found it  in a top 10 most dangerous festivals list! People are injured every year.

Can you recommend any good festivals? (Preferably ones that are not dangerous ^ – ^).




Christmas in Canada!

Here is a video I made of Christmas in Canada with my family ^-^/!!


Video Keywords:

Cut down a tree- 木を切る

Decorate – 飾る

Turkey – 七面鳥

Ginger - しょうが

Carol – クリスマスの歌

Church – 協会

Lake – 泉

What do you do for Christmas in Japan? Please comment ^-^.

Summer Heat

Summer Heat

This summer has been extra hot because we are trying to conserve energy. For example, schools try not to use the air conditioner or electric fans. I’m even trying to conserve energy at home. The other day I was reading an article about green curtains and thought it was a really good idea. Do you know what green curtains are? Green curtains are natural curtains formed from vines grown from goya or Japanese morning glory. Green curtains have become popular in recent years as a measure against global warming. Green curtains block direct sunlight and external heat. Actually, there is approximately a 10 degree (celsius) temperature difference between a room with a green curtain compared to one without. Thanks to green curtains, summer can be very comfortable and cool. It’s even possible to go all summer long without turning on the air conditioner and contribute to energy conservation. Does your home or school have a green curtain? Maybe I’ll give it a try!

What do you do to survive the summer heat?




Vine Curtain

ALT Interviews!

Video Vocabulary:

Culture [文化]
I enjoy living in a different culture.

(to) travel the world [ 世界一周旅行]
I want to travel the world.

my Hobby is (何何)ing [ 私の趣味は。。]
My hobby is watching movies.

(to) work with….. [一生に働く/勉強する]
I enjoy working with teachers and students in Japan.

Junior High School [中学校]

Senior High School [高等学校]

(t0) Visit… [ 訪ねる]
I will visit my friend tomorrow.

(to) make mistakes [ 間違する]
I often make mistakes in English.

Don’t be afraid to…..[ することを恐れるな]
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in English.

ALTs Volunteer!

In wake of the recent Tohoku disaster, we in Akita have come together to show our support for those who were effected.  The purpose of volunteerAKITA is to offer a forum to promote and discuss current volunteering opportunities as well as future endeavors.  Please use this site to spread the word and motivate others to help out in this time of need.  Recovering from a disaster of this magnitude will not be easy, but we in the Akita community are ready and willing to do what it takes to offer aid and support throughout the recovery process.


*The above text was taken from the volunteerAKITA website.


Asahi Shinbun Article

ALTs Volunteering!

Visit the volunteerAKITA website to learn more! The website is in both Japanese and English!


Canadian Animals in Akita!

Canadian Animals in Akita!

Canadian animals you can see at Omoriyama Zoo:

Elk ワピチ/エルク

Wolf オオカミ

Cougar クーガー

Raccoon アライグマ

Snowy Owl シロフクロウ

Reindeer/Caribou  トナカイ

Beaver ビーバー

Porcupine ヤマアラシ


Homeschooling video starring my sister.

Did you recognize the interviewer? Now, watch the next video and answer the questions by leaving a comment. Let’s have a discussion!